Use "aquifer|aquifers" in a sentence

1. The saturated zone beneath the water table is called an aquifer, and Aquifers are huge storehouses of water

2. The Trinity aquifer is composed of three subdivisions; the Upper Trinity, Middle Trinity, and the Lower Trinity Aquifers.

3. The Dakota aquifer (formally called the Maha Aquifer) is by far the largest of these secondary Aquifers, supplying all of the water to more than 3,400 wells in eastern Nebraska

4. Meaning of Aquifers: An aquifer is a rock formation that has the capacity to host large quantities of groundwater

5. Wells can be drilled into the Aquifers and water can be pumped out, while precipitation eventually adds water back into the aquifer.

6. For this reason, Aquifers can dry up when people drain them faster than they can be refilled—a process called aquifer depletion

7. The juxtaposition of regionally mapped Aquifers has led to some instances where an aquifer outcrop or shallow subcrop is bounded by a State line

8. An aquifer.

9. The aquifer polygons data file contains significant sand and gravel Aquifers (glacial deposits that are a significant ground water resource) for Maine mapped at a scale of 1:24,000

10. Molecular diffusion of contaminants in sand and gravel sized aquifer material or in clay and silt layers may cause extended time periods in remediation of polluted soils and aquifers.

11. 9 A confined aquifer is also known as a pressure aquifer.

12. An Artesian aquifer is a confined aquifer containing groundwater under positive pressure

13. One of the two main types of aquifer is the unconfined aquifer.

14. 8.2 Identifying and Evaluating Aquifers

15. Aquifers are underground reservoirs

16. What are Aquifers? In Florida, most of the fresh water we use comes from underground Aquifers

17. A Confined aquifer is an aquifer below the land surface that is saturated with water

18. North Carolina Aquifers The Aquifers in North Carolina are highly varied in their character and water producing capabilities

19. The Edwards Aquifer Conservancy’s mission is to support and benefit the work of the Edwards Aquifer Authority

20. An aquifer is a body of saturated rock through which water can easily move. Aquifers must be both permeable and porous and include such rock types as sandstone, conglomerate, fractured limestone and unconsolidated sand and gravel

21. Sources of water to unconfined Aquifers

22. Texas Aquifers are remarkably diverse in geologic structure, the amount of water they store, the amount of the water taken from them that can be replenished and the rate at which water moves through the aquifer.

23. 1 day ago · Tacarigua aquifer in Trinidad is a medium to Coarse grained sand aquifer

24. Actually... you drill through the aquifer.

25. The underground aquifers are drying out.

26. Sandstone Aquifers can be highly productive and

27. Significant Sand and Gravel Aquifers Maps Description

28. Significant Sand and Gravel Aquifers Online Maps

29. About one third of the irrigation water is pumped from the shallow alluvial aquifer, causing gross aquifer depletion over time.

30. Pronounced accumulations of Fe(II) in aquifer solids were observed indicating changes in redox buffering capacity of the aquifer solids.

31. The groundwater in confined Aquifers is usually under pressure.

32. The aquifer is unconfined locally and may be recharged.

33. Vast reservoirs will catch monsoon rains to replenish the aquifers.

34. Damage to the aquifer in the northwest quadrant.

35. Lake Ptolemy is related to the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer; in simulations maximum water levels in the aquifer reached the surface of the lake, and about 3 cubic kilometres (0.72 cu mi) of water from the lake entered the aquifer every year.

36. An Artesian aquifer has trapped water, surrounded by layers of impermeable rock or clay which apply positive pressure to the water contained within the aquifer

37. It is a surficial expression of the reduction of porosity at depth, due to an increase of actual (unconfined aquifers), or effective (confined aquifers) loading of overburden.

38. 6 The aquifer is unconfined locally and may be recharged.

39. 7 Recharge areas are necessary for a healthy aquifer.

40. These Aquifers are capable of yielding more than 100 gpm

41. “Aquifers will be depleted, one way or another,” says Shirzaei

42. 2 Pumping water from an aquifer lowers the water table.

43. Above this floor, rain soaks down to recharge an aquifer.

44. 8 Such material can confine water in an artesian aquifer.

45. TWDB recognizes one major and three minor Aquifers in the County

46. There are two general types of Aquifers: confined and unconfined.

47. There are three types of aquifers: perched, unconfined, and confined.

48. The rest is extracted from the alluvial aquifers of the valley.

49. Classification of these is a function of water table location within the subsurface, its structure and hydraulic conductivities into two namely; Confined Aquifers and Unconfined Aquifers and then …

50. 19 Above this floor, rain soaks down to recharge an aquifer.

51. Alluvial formations containing aquifers that are suitable sources of urban water supply include:

52. It's possible that life might persist in aquifers beneath the surface of Mars.

53. Aquifers are natural formations that store groundwater, but these vital structures are threatened The word “aquifer” means “water bearer.” In the context of hydrogeology, it refers to a natural underground formation of permeable rock or sediment that stores and conducts the groundwater we access through wells and springs.

54. The EU-funded project 'Floodwater recharge of alluvial aquifers in dryland environments' (WADE) applied advanced solutions to evaluate water resources by monitoring flooding and aquifers over the long term.

55. 20 It passes through the confining layer somewhere above the aquifer.

56. Aquifers are an unseen but critical resource in California’s water supply system

57. Types of Aquifers In more detail, there are three main classifications of Aquifers, defined by their geometry and relationship to topography and the subsurface geology (Figures 6-9)

58. Supplying approximately 90 percent of the state's drinking water, Florida's Aquifers supply

59. Depollution by surface-active agents of an aquifer contaminated with domestic fuel

60. Sandstone Aquifers are more widespread than those in all other kinds of consolidated rocks

61. An aquifer is a water - bearing rock stratum such as sandstone and chalk.

62. Aquifers typically consist of gravel, sand, sandstone, or fractured rock such as limestone

63. Worldwide, 97% of the planet’s liquid fresh water is stored in Aquifers

64. Alluvial aquifers underlying meander necks provide a further extension of the hyporheic zone.

65. These Aquifers help AMWUA cities manage their water supplies in three important ways

66. The U.S. Geological Survey collaborates with India on ground water and aquifer studies.

67. The Rhone River recharges the alluvial aquifer only during the summer high-water period.

68. 10 Well - Aquifer Systems under Favorable Conditions Can Act as very Sensitive Strain Meters.

69. Dolomite Aquifers produce water from interconnected cracks, fractures, and pores, and sometimes even caves

70. The Aquifers of this region are made up of fractures in the granite rock

71. Simple extensions can address uncertain climate, managed-aquifer recharge and alternate water sources.

72. 12 Australias great aquifer covers the eastern half of the country, for instance.

73. The Aquifers containing groundwater beneath our feet are vital to our way of life

74. The characteristics of the alluvial formations containing these aquifers are similar throughout the region.

75. Aquifers are geological formations that can store, transmit and yield water to a well or spring

76. 5 Groundwater in a confined aquifer is compressed elastically, rather like air in a tyre.

77. Aquifers can be found under most land areas of the planet, their depth, however, varying.

78. 1 An aquifer is a water - bearing rock stratum such as sandstone and chalk.

79. Many villages and even large cities draw their water supply from wells in aquifers.

80. A coupling between simulation models and optimization algorithms for management of coastal aquifers is presented.